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About Myself


G'yday folks & welcome to my music page. Music has been a passion of mine for over four decades I love performing whether it's on the drums at the back of a band or upfront playing guitar & singing. My mother could play any song by ear and she had a sweet beautiful voice and my father was know around the area for playing the slide guitar and his signature song was Pearly Shells. I have performed with numerous bands throughout my career which ranged from pub bands to cabaret. All of the bands I have performed with have been made up by very talented local musicians & we mainly have always performed covers from the 60s, 70s & 80s as this is the music era I admired most. I have performed with bands such as Dad & Dave who covered tunes from the Shadows to the Beatles, other bands iclude, The Flatliners, Reckless, Have Blues Will Travel, & ACE who covered some great pub classic hits. I am currently  performing with two great musicians & mates, Sandy Clark and one of the guitar masters in our area, Ning Hopkins in the band The Geezers & we play all the hits from the 60s, 70s & 80s with Ning mesmerising our audiences with his master guitar skills. Hendrix, Billy Thorpe, JJ Cale are just a few of the artists he displays his skills with. Apart from performing with The Geezers, I also play solo acoustic gigs that gives me a chance to play many hits from the past that I know the crowd will enjoy. I enjoy playing all my music to the over 35 age group because they can all relate & reminise to the songs. A highlight for me was a few years ago singing for Ronnie Burns at one of his functions.  I have written a few songs over the years and hope to write many more, which you can listen to on my songs page, don't forget to check out my Facebook page and You Tube page, just click the links above. I have just recently wrote a song about the poor Farmers that are going thru this horrible drought and my wife uploaded to facebook and it became viral, which for me was good as I have had to appear in many venues around singing this song and I also have been interview on radio, television and also appearing on the local music show Spectrum, which was fantastic and I have the song available thru for $2.00 to download and all the proceeds go straight to the farmers. 

I also enjoy playing to the Older folks in the retirement homes & watching them smile & sing along when they recognise all the hits they remember from the golden eras. These performances are priceless to me. I also have the pleasure of playing with some fantastic musicians in our second home Bali, that is so much fun, I even got offered a job playing with them.

I am born & bred in the Latrobe Valley & have had the pleasure of seeing & knowing some truly great artists. I have made some unbelievable friendships throughout my music career & continue to do so today. I have  respect for all my fellow musicians & treasure their friendship. I have a wonderful wife who supports me with every gig.

Some of my musical influences are:

Creedence Clearwater Revival
Russell Morris
Bondi Cigars
Rolling Stones
JJ Cale
Mark Gillespie
Early ACDC

The Rolling Stones

The Eagles

Bob Seger

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